
Showing posts from November, 2022

Effective communication

 Welcome back. This week's topic is about how to communicate effectively. This is an incredibly important skill to have. It becomes very helpful when working with other people and it can also keep the feelings of peace and happiness in a home when people can communicate. There are many different ways to communicate. I'll be focusing on one way to communicate that stood out to me. There are 5 steps. 1. The Disarming Technique: Find some truth in what the other person is saying. 2. Empathy: Try and see things from their point of view.       - Thoughtful Empathy: restate what they are saying.       - Feeling Empathy: Acknowledge their feelings. 3. Inquiry: ask questions to better understand where they are coming from. 4. "I Feel" statements: Talk about how you feel with statements that don't start with focusing on them. 5. Stroking: Point out something about them that you like and appreciate about who they are. I'm currently working on practicing using this commu

What do we do in a family crisis situation?

 There are many different situations that can cause a family to be in a state of crisis. I don't believe any situation is exactly the same. The way we can work through crisis situations can be in a form the same though. In Chinese there are two symbols put together to make the word crisis. One is danger and the other is opportunity. This can help us understand that crisis can be taken one of two ways. It can be seen as an opportunity, or it can be seen as danger. Both of which are correct, but whichever one we focus on will determine the outcome.  I'd like to offer some advice on ways to keep a family intact. Especially during a crisis. One of the most effective ways is to have consistent family time together. This will help the family continue to hold the bond they have created. I hope you enjoyed reading this weeks post. As always, I invite you to go and study this for yourself.

What kind of relationships outside of the marriage should there be? and What can lead to adultery/cheating?

 This post will be a short one, but I believe this is a significant one. When it comes to marriage there's always the question of what kind of relationships can be had outside of the marriage? Is either spouse allowed to have friends outside of the marriage that are of the opposite gender? What can lead to adultery and how can it be avoided? I don't think there's a clear answer on what kind of relationships can be had outside of a marriage. I do think there should be complete transparency in a marriage about friendships. In order to have a successful marriage, it is important to put your partner first before any outside relationships. It is still healthy to have relationships outside of the marriage though. No one wants to get bored of the same person in a marriage. The more burning question is What can lead to adultery? There are many different paths that can lead to adultery, but the common theme within all of them is our thoughts. Every single path begins with our own th