
Showing posts from December, 2022

Active Parenting by Michael Hopkins

 As you may have noticed from the article title this post will be about parenting. I would like to preface this by saying that I am not a parent and my intention is not to tell anyone how to parent. I am simply sharing a way of parenting I found through studying a book by Michael Hopkins. I haven't proven this to be effective in my own life due to the lack of being married and having children. I'm sure there is a place to find the statistical effectiveness of this practice and if you are interested I invite you to look for it. The practice I wish to relay that Michael Hopkins addressed are the importance of needs in children. He listed 6 needs which are; contact, belonging, power, protection, breaks, and challenge. I'll break down what each of these means. Contact: Any sort of contact to let the child know that you know they are there. One example of this is physical contact. This contact should be given freely to children. They shouldn't have to earn contact from a par