Is there a difference in raising children in a homosexual home versus a heterosexual home?
Before I jump into the research of what I've found, I would like to address something. I understand writing about homosexuality and heterosexuality is a very controversial topic. Especially in the circumstances we find ourselves living in. My intent in sharing my research on this topic is not to offend anyone. I'm simply sharing what I've learned as a result of my studies. Many of you reading this may know that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I will keep my religious views out of the research I share until the end of the blog. If you wish to read my religious views, then I will provide those at the end. One last thing I would like to say before I talk about my research. I want everyone to do their own research if they want to know if what I'm saying is true. Don't take my word as always right, but instead go do some research yourselves to see what you find. Now let's get into the research. In 2005 there was a document presented...